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Nigerian Pastor T.B. Joshua, well known for his expansive philanthropic endeavours, shocked congregations at his church, The Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) on Sunday 18th November 2012 when it was revealed that he has taken up the responsibility of sponsoring a Nigerian student to complete a PhD programme in the University of Oxford to the tune of £100,000, approximately
N26 million.

Miss Yinka Oduwole, who introduced herself as one of the youth who was brought up in The SCOAN and worked there extensively, testified how she had gained admission to study a Ph.D. in Engineering Science in Oxford University, UK after a successful Master’s Programme in University College London (UCL). Yinka, who was equally sponsored in her Master’s Degree in Broadband Communication in UCL where she came out with a distinction, said Prophet T.B. Joshua and Emmanuel TV Partners had paid the sum of £100,000 to enable her to study for a Ph.D. in the prestigious Oxford University.

“My advice to youth all over the world is that they should pray as if everything depends on God and work as if everything depends on them,” Yinka asserted.

Yinka, also a first class graduate from the University of Lagos, had advised the congregation and viewers worldwide on Emmanuel TV, especially the youth to find a job to do in church and actively engage in Godly activities.

According to Joshua, the reward for raising up such young people to become leaders of tomorrow in every field of expertise is immeasurable in monetary or material terms. “What you make happens for others, God makes happen for you. You are raised to raise others,” Joshua exhorted the crowd, counselling them to consider the future of their own children and what they were doing with their lives.

Founded by Prophet TB Joshua

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